I ordered a very small part that needed to be ordered from the factory. I was quoted and paid for 2 day shipping on a Monday. Here I sit, one week later, with no parts. The very nice (seriously, not sarcastically) sales rep James, let me know when I called him on Friday (five days after order) that the factory sent it to them instead of drop shipping. This factory doesnt do drop ship. On top of their mistakes, UPS had an emergency and Ill get my parts eight days after order. Can you guess whos paying for two day freight? I am. When I asked on numerous occasions to speak with the supervisor/manager, I was told hed call me back. He never did. When I found out he was the person answering the phone every time I had called, I called again and rather than speaking with me person to person, he sent me to his sales rep again who did me the favor of splitting the freight in half. This is not a company I would ever recommend to anyone looking for honesty, respect or timely service. I wish I had used the competitor, Motion Industries. Steer clear of these guys unless you want fleeced in a slow, painful manner.
I really dont know what keeps this place in business. They never any seals or bearings in stock, Order-Order-Order