Brace yourselves; Im about to make a terrible pun. The owner of Stickler Woodworking (David Stickler) is a stickler for perfection. Even if you cant forgive that, just accept this: I spent years in construction, and know quality and craftsmanship when I see them, and I appreciate customer service.Mr. Stickler and his company embody craftsmanship and customer service. Theyve just completed as close to a perfect cabinet installation as Ive ever seen. They were reasonably priced, attentive to detail, communicative, and prompt. In short, David says what he will do, and then does it when he says he will. What a concept, and it is one that has all but been lost in our rush to get things done.We could not be more pleased. My wife sometimes just stares at her new kitchen; she is ecstatic. And even though the kitchen isnt exactly my domain, I am pretty proud of what I see, too.We simply can not recommend a company any higher than we rate Stickler Woodworking. They exceeded every single one of our expectations. Bill & Kathy Shore Greensboro, NC