Really nice little shop. The host knowledgeable and personal. They have really nice items to buy as a memory of your stop. The view from the column is beautiful.
Cute little gift shop at the Astoria Column. I live in Portland but frequently visit Astoria and the Oregon coast to get away. The Column is such a great place to escape and take in the view. The gift shop is wonderful to get all your souvenirs after! I got a poster for $2 and a nice cutting board the shape of Oregon and engraved with cities and landmarks in Oregon.
Small and only 4 peolle allowed in at one time due ro COVID. Staff was nice.
Though the gift shop was closed the Astoria Column was awesome to see and the views are wonderful
Way to far from the town located in a very odd place but I know why they put this place where its at but I didnt care for the area road to unsafe the prices like all gift shops way too expensive but thats how they earn their wages not very big not alot to choose from the couple was nice. Dont like the fact that I had to pay to park, for a 10 minute visit thats ridiculous to pay, bathrooms need to be cleaned . Wont go back its not for me maybe for other ppl becuz the view is very nice.
Great tourist attraction!
Yrs. In Oregon never saw it. Real neat try it.
Didnt go in the shop but the views were cool.
Great little gift shop!
They only let 4 people in at a time, which is dumb. Everything is way over priced.
Fun, interesting and clean bathrooms
Great historical monument
Its an awesome attraction! I grew up here!How ever the column its self was closed to entrance this time visiting due to the pandemic! It had been 23 years since i seen it last. Aswell it was my wife and kids first time ever. So that was a real let down that we couldnt climb the stairs to top!Thankfully its still an amazing attraction and piece of history, with an absolutely beautiful veiw of the towns,rivers and bays!!
Social distancing line was too long.
Cute gift shop. Prices reasonable.
Beautiful. Had a great time.
Absolutely Beautiful!
Watched the beautiful Red sunset with my sweetie. Perfect view
Beautiful what a fantastic view
Great place!! Recommended!!
Beautiful view but column closed.Stunning sight.
Greatest views ever. Take the time and go see.
Great way to get the lay of the land when you come to Astoria
Still closed but the view is great.
Excellent experience and super friendly staff
Great site to visit with the family
Its pretty up there
Employee was very knowledgeable about tower and local attractions.