Little Brothers is an amazing company! We do a lot of work together and I couldnt imagine any one else doing our cabinets. Theyre beautiful and made by someone who truly loves what they do! Gaston is super professional and brightens my day every time we talk!
Very misleading and dishonest, Gaston acts professional on first meeting. However when I showed up to give him the check for 5,000 to start the cabinets he had nothing ready in writing and just expected me to hand him a check for 5k! Huh, good thing I dont work that way, I would probably never see that money again. He then told me he already started the Cabinets even though we didnt have the terms in writing. Then he changed the agreement completely, even though I reminded him what we discussed. He cost me a lot of valuable time and money. If I were you I would stay away from this guy!
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