Worked here for 5 months. Everyone is laid back except for 2 people I had constant problems with, Jim in welding who is a 20 year vet there and Jimbo Boden the plant manager. I was playing some rap music when Jim came up to me and started screaming the N word at me constantly at me and asked if I wanted to go outside to talk which means fight where I come from. Jimbo didnt feel the need to say anything to this employee who I guess was speaking for the company which says a lot. Instead they painted the picture like I was the bad employee who had issues and couldnt get along with people. Jim has made it a hostile work environment since I been there and Im pretty sure hes chased off a few welders and Jimbo enables him. I reported Jim to HR and a few weeks later they had 2 new HR ladies and the old one was gone. After that they started to treat me very differently. Jimbo bounced me around from place to place while still telling me I dont get along with others but his supervisors say otherwise and I do great work. Honestly not a great experience. They lie to workers telling them its mandatory overtime when it isnt to squeeze more work out of them. Jimbo saw someone get hurt in front of me and did not send the employee to the hospital or say a word to him. I had bronchitis for a few weeks and he used that against me saying I missed a bunch of work so we cant hire you on. He fired me after I told him I needed healthcare cause I was bleeding from my lungs.
Safe place to work