Beware of this dealer! She poses on Craigslist as a individual seller and once you arrive you discover it is a small dealership. Were we stupid to buy a car from Kathy? Yes, we were. Did she knowingly sell a lemon to a college kid? Yes, she let him go to the bank and proceeded to tell him, I am mom, I understand needing a reliable car. Driving it home the STOP oil Pressure Engine off light came on. Upon calling around and checking with mechanics. It appears that Kathy reset the warnings and sold the car. She pressured them saying there was another buyer coming in an hour. It was an expensive lesson and I hope no one else has to go through this. She will not stand behind her cars, it is now our problem and it will cost us...a lot. But, a great lesson for an 18 year to learn. Dont trust people. I would give zero stars if that was an option.I am sick over this and I hope Kathy loses as much sleep as we did over it. AVOID this dealer.