Nice poster frames. Used them a bunch of times for my movie poster collection.
I was looking to frame a poster for my mom to hang by her in-home hospital bed for Christmas, but couldnt find a 46 frame anywhere. Imagine my relief when I found the wholesale poster frames website, which allowed me to customize my frame size to the fraction of an inch! There were several drop-down menus and confirmation pages to go through, and I kept expecting the site to reject my 46 specs. Lo and behold, each time my 46 frame clicked through, and I placed my order.The frame arrived fast and well packed, but when I went to put the poster in, I realized I had been sent, not the 29.5 x 46 frame I had specified multiple times during the online ordering process, but rather the more common 30 x 40 frame that I could have bought anywhere. I pulled up my order confirmation and saw that, sure enough, my order was for a 30 x 40 frame. Hmm. Now, normally at this point Id take a step back and think, OK, youre stressed, you probably clicked wrong and wasted $125, but see, I had to input 29.5 x 46 about three separate times in this ordering process, which, let me tell you, is time consuming with a drop down menu, so I know I input those numbers.I figure, no problem, customer service is the internet way, let me just shoot these guys an email explaining this situation and surely they will help me. I get a prompt email response linking me back to my order confirmation (I had already explained the deal with the incorrect number on the order confirmation) and saying I could return the frame for a new one. Now, this frame cost me $88, and $25 to ship. It will cost me an additional $30 to ship back, and Ill be charged a 25% restocking fee. So that means I will be out $89 and STILL have to pay $130 for a new frame and shipping.So again, foolish me, I think, OK, its hard to gauge complicated situations like this over email, and surely if I call and explain how I painstakingly input 29.5x46 multiple times on their site, they will help me out. I call and, not 30 seconds into trying to explain the situation, am condescendingly told to hold on mid-explanation. I dutifully wait for my order to be looked over and reviewed and am told, once again, that the mistake was mine and my only option is to return the frame (which will cost about as much as the frame itself) and buy a new one. I was also told, in the most condescending manner possible (and this is a fairly local business to me, so this wasnt some sort of tonal miscommunication) that this was user error and that if their website was capable of such an error, theyd get 400 calls a day (this makes even less sense as Im writing it than it did when I heard it). I was also told that, just to make me happy, they could do me a favor and allow me to make a new frame purchase to be shipped in time for Christmas, all this said as if I was doing them the greatest possible inconvenience.Mind you, dealing with vendors both online and locally is a major part of my professional career, and I am able to troubleshoot and communicate clearly and courteously. So please understand how out of the ordinary it was for me that I was so frustrated at this call, at the fact that this was the one gift Id wanted to give my mom on what will be her last Christmas, that I just couldnt take the condescension another minute and said that I could not discuss it anymore and hung up.Im left with an expensive and useless frame, no Christmas present for my mom, and a whole lot more anger than one should have from an online purchase. Bottom line, if your order is simple, be my guest, but if you value polite customer service and a reliable website, for the love of God steer clear.