It took D&L over 13 months to send my paperwork including my cites permit all the while voicemail messages go unanswered. Very unorganized and unprofessional. I will go back to Coppersmith from now on.
Good luck actually getting in contact with someone there. No communication at all. Currently have my New Zealand trophies coming back and considering switching mid process.
Yeah, not professional. Laura was rude and not helpful I ended up switching midstream to coppersmith, very glad I did. D&L charged me lots of money for doing nothing and were rude about the fact i didnt want to use them. She would not communicate which is why I decided to switch and then overcharged me like a little kid instead of just seeing it was best to part ways. I then emailed the owner and laura lied to her about communicating with me (which was easy to see on the timeline of emails) and sided with her. Really not professional and quite childish. Would not trust them to import a empty crate let alone my very personally valued mounts from Africa.