Amazing quality oils and is not a gimmicky mlm company. Fast order fulfillment & quick shipping. Always satisfied with the products and they have quite a variety to chose from.
The purest quality oils...certified organic and offer a huge selection.. The website is informative and extremely helpful.. I am a certified aromatherapist and these are the only oils that I use and sell.
I am always so amazed at how POTENT real pure essential oils are. I often get suckered in to getting cheaper oil that are diluted and then when I get the real stuff, WOW! The healing miracle of mother nature...And no ones has purer more natural oils than Amrita Aromatherapy. I just wish they were in more stores!! Love love love!
They have the best essential oils Ive ever owned. The oils are of the purest quality.
I would avoid purchasing from this company for a variety of reasons. They pour their retail size bottles 5mL thru 30mL too far in advance, and they sit in a warehouse-type environment that has no air conditioning. Because of this, the oils are exposed to high temperatures and sunlight for an unnecessarily extended amount of time, sometimes months or even years. Therefore, the quality of the oils in these bottles is not as good as the oils in the bulk containers. Amrita Aromatherapy also seems to lack consistency and professionalism that I can find in other companies that sell high quality oils for the same price or less. They have an excellent selection and a lot of oils, but other companies offer better overall value. I prefer Plant Therapy or Edens Garden for my essential oil needs.
I love Amrita Aromatherapy. The oils have been just the best quality. I especially like the Anxiety Free synergy. My wife and I use the Tranquil Sleep Tri-Essence regularly and it really works. I use the Neroli and Lavender in a massage oil that I use every day, and it just transports me. Good company, good people, good products.
I have used Amrita Aromatherapy products with success. I found the staff to be helpful and friendly. I would strongly recommend this company to anyone seeking relief from headaches, I have also used there peppermint and it was helpful, tastes good too.
I love Amrita. The extensive range of the highest quality organic oils, the intelligent, helpful and cheerful customer service and the efficient speed of delivery have made me a very happy customer.
I have friends who work there, and even the people who are not friends are also very helpful and courteous
One of the first...pure, good price, good service...only the best!
He knows his stuff!
Love their products and oils
The best!