This is a really cool place, even if youre not shopping for anything specific. Really cool fish tank and views of the lake.
Wife gave me $120 to go run free at Bass Pro. For my B day got myself a new G2 Ugly Stik a nice hand digital scale and some lures great place to bring the kids to look at the fish in the big fish tank and a bunch of other stuff for the adults to look at would recommend this place do people that are in the Rowlett Rockwall Garland area
Awesome for outdoor gear... cost is high, but quality stuff
Went for some cargo shorts they had them in stock. These will be great for the beach. Great quality and prices. Also bought a pair of cargo pants Redhead brand lightweight nice. The Garland location has a great aquarium and great views of the lake.
The store was in good shape, well stocked and cleaned. I was greeted when I first came in and offered help, they were doing a good job at greeting large groups and helping those who need it and moving others on into the store.Despite it being very busy the staff was able to help me both times I needed help finding something.
Love shopping here for anything you need ask for Justin if you need a boat he knows his stuff
This place has something for everyone, men, women and children. They have toys and snacks to furniture and of course sports items. My husband is a hunter and we both enjoy going camping. We love coming to this location as lake Ray Hubbard is nearby to look at while you are shopping or there are fish and a waterfall to check out while you are shopping.
Bass Pro is the best. Helpful workers make the experience the best.
First time going to the location it is an amarzing store. Spoke with an older guy who had worked there since 2006 he was the sweetest old man ever. There was a guy working in the shoe dept and he was very unprofessional and even if i was to visit the store again in the future i would not want him to assist me.. I should have reported him to the manager worst experience ever. I Pray that Fuy get what ever blessing coming toward him he was AWESOME.
Staff is very friendly and helpful especially the guys at the gun counter they are awesome!
Honestly we love this place but it was just so hot in there it made it absolutely miserable.
Store was clean and orderly, even had primers in stock!
Great place just to visit,shopping is a bonus.
Love going to bass pro my kids love watching the big fish they have there good people good attitude.
Very cool boating center with the elevated platforms that help you get into the boats. Just not enough brand selection
Best place to shop for fishing supplies
Loads of merch at this location. Great view!
Went in to get some cleaning supplies. Staff was helpful.
Hung up on me twice.
Very very very cool place. They have everything there that you can use for outdoor fun. There restaurant has good prices and good food. I had the alligator tacos. Three tacos and a side 4 under $11 looking forward to going there again.
Its Bass Pro, like Mecca for the outdoorsman.
Helpful staff.
Nice, clean, large selection and friendly staff.
Good shopping experience
Gary in camping was fantastic! Helpful, polite knowledgeable and friendly. He was wonderful all around, and Richie the manager was incredibly nice! Love it here.
First, can ANYONE PICK UP A TELEPHONE? Second, I went to pick up a gun that stated in stock. The heavyset bald gentleman, was like yeah thats wrong. I asked the other young guy to look in the back and what do you was in stock...CUSTOMER SERVICE SUCKS!!!
Great savings
Great place for Sportsmen. Nice selection of guns.
Great place for outdoor shopping. Very fun place to take your family.
Just over all nice place to go and shop
Satff was very knowledgeable and nice
Nice place but was hoping for a bigger section of center console boats
Love this place.
Unfriendly staff. Not helpful at all.
All day adventure !! Bring your credit card..
Great details on what I needed 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Great selection and very helpful
White River Fly Shop has always helped me with any need Ive ever had
Great selection on hunting products
If they dont have it you may not need it or they can order it
Very huge Place
Anything you need for mercury motors
Very nice place to shop but overly price unless you check clearance rack but overall good experience
Great shopping
An excellent experience to visit.
A 💯