Mitt Romney at the Salt-Lake City Olympics: “You Olympians, however, know you didn’t get here solely on your own power.,Did old man Gilchrist make a commercial back in 2002 questioning why Mitt Romney would imply that the Olympians didn t win it on their own?, Anything less is sheer hypocrisy.As for Gilchrist Metal Fab Company, I cant seem to get there without driving on a government road... I also hate the fact that I cant be sure his products comply with basic safety standards (labelled and ensured by the government)., Also, why wont Gilchrist accept monolopy money?? If you hate government, put your money where your mouth is and accept the fact the monetary system exists thanks to government... I could go on and on and on of course, but I think it would go over most of these people s heads...Hate government? Move to Somalia - you will love it there!
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