One of my favorites 🎉🎊
Surreal experienceI rarely go outside the 465 circle but had a camera issue and went to Roberts they recommended I go to this place and handed me a small cut, badly copied piece of paper. I was taken aback but Roberts Camera said it would cost $300 to send it to Sony. Hence, i figured I would give it a shot.I found the address to be a cinderblock red building at 8444 E. Washington. I went inside to find a place just stuffed with antiques, furniture, tools, costume jewelry. I did not see anyone upon entering and was alarmed when I saw a creepy looking mannequin dressed in a suit by the door. After shaking off my fright I called out hello? A woman appeared from the endless stacks of stuff, looked at me and said, You looking for Ron?Yes, I said with hesitation.Hes all the way in the back she repliedI raised an eyebrow and proceed through the maze of items. As I moved deeper into the store making sure my messenger bag did not knock any items off their resting place I saw a lit sigh that read Cam Pro Service. There was an grey bearded man there to greet me and I entered into his workshop that could not have been more than 8x8.I pulled out my camera and showed him the problem with the lens I was having. He immediately identified the problem, grabbing a tool and went to work while I stood there. He explained the problem showed me what he was doing and withing 5 min had the camera working. I was amazed. I said how much?Dont worry about it replied RonI said At least let me buy you dinner and handed him 20 bucks.He thanked me and I wandered back out to the street, glancing at the creepy mannequin on the way out. Standing on the street, i was entranced by the weird odd little experience I had with the shop. It was like out of a movie. Weird hours too but an adventure.