Put up signs when you are out of gas. Get off the phone or multi task you can listen and talk especially when youre to lazy yo out up a sign.
Brand new Chevron good service everything ready to go.
This is a pretty clean gas station
Its ok here
Restrooms closed with no reason. No sanitaiser. Stuff is rude
Google maps says they sell propane tanks....they do not
I was very disappointed in this Chevron. For one of the more gas stations in Modesto, they did not have any of their water buckets filled (for window cleaning) and there were no squegees available in any of the buckets. When the cashier was asked about the squeegees she stated they dont have any. What kind of gas station doesnt have squegees to clean window with? One that I will never use again.
Total disrepair, homeless approach you, drug users in lot & on pay phone, pumps work half the time for the most part. No windshield squeegees.Ha! Just drove by & sign on door systems are down, sorryThats about right...Oh, and the owner is a total jerk on the phone.