Rude! I called ahead and talked to someone nice, she told me to come on down. Once there, I stood in the showroom until an lady in the first office to the right grunted out yeah? I turned to her for her to reply what do you need? When I explained, she sent me to another office with an older man typing on a computer.He was on a computer and never looked up, after a long pause, he asked, what do you need? without ever looking up from the computer. I waited for him to lookup up, he never did and I walked out. I deal with a lot of supply companies in this town, and the one thing I cant stand is to be treated like a burden when I come in looking to do business.I went to bellevue, had three people greet me and shake my hand.I get it, we get busy, but if one of my employees treated my customer like that, they would be looking for a new job.
We love Renaissance Stone! Always a pleasure to work with.