It was like China in there......should of expected that from a celebrity makeup line. There all about there money.
My friend nicole swain has alot recorded footage of the activity going on at spatz it will uploaded on you tube soon 😉
Working there is alright the job isnt to difficult. As for the communication and management I think there is room for improvement. Everyone seems to think it is high school all over again and like to gossip instead of working. Plus they dont recognize great employees for there dedication and hard work, its a gotta know someone to get somewhere establishment. I personally love the job just not to keen on the people who are help manage the establishment. Its hard to day good bye to the experience but not the drama.
People have to go threw a employment agency to get a job at this place, so the company doesnt have a problem firing you if you cant pull 10 to 12 hour shifts, HR dont care if your a hard worker or not if your not part of the company they dont care about your opinion or concerns, if your a stranger they put up this huge front like everything is good, the inside is too loud, they segregate sex so females work on one side and males work on the other side ( very sexist environment ) they check employees bags and pockets like its TSA, never any parking. The people that I talked to didnt like the job, I mean this place is a mess Im surprised it hasnt got shut down, the chemicals get people sick and they play favoritism so good luck moving up in this company .i would give this place 0 stars but that option isnt there .
GO here if all the business in the world shut down. Even then ill reconsider.Youll thank me later.
This is the most rachet raggedy ass job I ever worked for never again will I go back there they are bipolar they dont know if they want to keep you or not and they have you clean up the place then they lay you off then later on call the same people back to work dysfucntional work place
They have their employees parked two blocks away from there job site
This company hires agency worker and most of them in Oxnard are gang looking or very immature attitudes that just wanna make problems the work area is a mess and the management very bad very immature co worker smh not a good place to have a long-term job
Never any parking....Slave job, 90 percent of the workers are temps and they dont thank them at all, company employees think there on another level, HR personal just gossips all day
They make cosmetics