Visiting the Red Hill General Store is a very pleasant, blast from the past experience. Most modern shopping (if not done online), takes place in big box type stores, however, the Red Hill General Store is a flashback to a bygone era. They have a wonderful selection of items for the yard, cooking pans and utensils, a section of fresh-food, including Hersheys ice cream! My wifes favorite is the large selection of Melissa and Doug educational childrens toys. Prices are very reasonable too, check it out!
Wonderful general store selling a little of everything you may need in the kitchen from cast iron to cookie cutters. I love their local grass fed beef, Ashe County cheese, and my husband LOVES the free range chicken! Lots of local good stuff. This is a great store with a very friendly staff!
When you think of an ol timey general store, you dont typically think of it being in the midst of a suburban neighborhood shopping center like Falls River in North Raleigh. But thats exactly where youll find the Raleigh location of Red Hill General Store. When you step inside it feels more like the general store youd happen upon while on a country highway road trip. The store sells a little bit of everything, from cast iron cookware and home canning supplies to gardening equipment, clothing (even Rainbow brand flip flops) and produce and food items. I found a HUGE jar of sorghum, tomato sauce from Nellos and a refrigerator case filled with glass bottles of milk and grass fed beef products. This shop is a great resource for North Raleigh folks looking for local products.