This is a great hidden gem of a Jewish bookstore. They have a huge selection of books, toys and pet supplies too!
RuthE is our local bookseller for Religious books to Business books shes got what Im looking for - or can order it. RuthE is friendly and helpful. Highly recommended!
Oy Toys/And Thou Shalt Read is your go-to bookstore for your Jewish childrens and pet toys, and childrens books. Christian items are also available. Its also a great place for unique religious gifts - we all have Jewish friends we often dont know how to buy for at holiday times. I have never seen a bookstore with so much to offer in so little space! RuthE will find what you need whether she carries it or not, and shell ship anywhere. Forget online, just ask RuthE for what you need and shell save you the time browsing and researching with her vast knowledge and helpful tips. A must stop and shop in North Metro Atlanta!
Everything you can imagine. Great prices and service. I cant say enough good things about this business. Highly recommended!
RuthE has suggested several books to me to give as gifts to partners for my business and she has gotten books for me on my personal reading list as well!
Ive known RuthE Levy for almost 10 years. ATSR is a great businesss and is a credit to her faith and her community.Whether for your church or temple, homeschooling group OR for just pleasurable reading, this is a great resource for you.
What a kind and giving woman with such a unique and innovative inventory. Top notch service and selection.
I looked and looked for this one book.... the big box store could not find it.... they ordered it and had it delivered to me within the week !! my child was so happy thank you....
A wonderful selection for all your little ones whether they are humane, feline or canine.
Ruthie is amazing! She has the most unique array of books and gifts.
You can order any book that is printed.Great toys for children as well as cats and dogs.
RuthE was kind enough to give me a tour of her book store and what a wonderous place it is! Youve got to see it.
What a great store -- great service, and SO MANY books and toys, for both kids and adults -- really, I could spend days in here!
Amazing store with lots for the whole family!