I went through the Concealed Carry handgun training class with a friend and had great experience. The class size was small enough to provide one on one attention and large enough for positive interactions. The hands on experience and personal knowledge given by Ron King really made the class enjoyable. The knowledge he carries from Gunsmithing and personal instruction really left you confident afterwards. I am recommending King Precision to my family to use as I would to anyone looking at the reviews.
I had a great experience at CCW class. Ron was very knowledgeable and taught the class in a way that made everyone feel welcome.I feel that Ron covered what we needed to know plus, gave us a little extra knowledge throughout the class. He always had time to answer anybody’s question at anytime.Ron did demand excellence, but in that type of class I would not expect anything less. He wanted to make sure that you new everything before you received your certificate.
My son, brother and I took our class with Ron almost two years ago. Since then he has done multiple trigger jobs for us and has been a very informative friend. He is very ez to work with and I would recommend King Precision for anyone wanting to take their CCW or looking to fix/modify their firearm.
He is awesome. He called me back even when he had a major non-work related issue, and I was able to confirm my shipment of a firearm I ordered. Great service, cant rank this business highly enough.
Sent my security team to the ccw class and I was very impressed with the knowledge they retained. Highly recommended.
Took a class with him over the weekend and he was very knowledgeable and great at answering questions and making sure we left the class as prepared as we should be. He even took time after the class (which was already the majority of the day) to answer questions. Highly recommend.
Took the concealed carry class and was very pleased with the class. A lot of good information and Mr. King did a great job teaching the class.
This Guy knows what he is talking about in his CC classes he takes his time to explain things if you have trouble with understanding something. His Gunsmithing skills are top notch. Thanks Ron. Ron, you learned your AR-15 Skills from Mark Hunt he is the one who wrote the Book on the M-16/AR-15. With that being said, when are you going to start giving the AR class since Mr. Hunt is retired. I AM WAITING....