4 star review of Sangean ATS-909X, I bought this pricey SW/LW/MW/FM-RDS/radio PLL Synthesized Receiver when I saw the company description of the performance of the radio and some good reviews decided to buy it since it is promoted as the flagship radio of Sangean and I thought it will be worth it! To my surprise although it looks beautiful in aesthetics the Shortwave Reception with the built in telescopic whip antenna is poor! I put the Sangean at 60 shortwave 23 feet reel anthena on the AM external antenna Jack and at night where most SW transmissions are frequently heard the reception in SW was good and only 8-10 stations were heard! There is no bass or treble button for better hearing of the available transmissions! The Squelch button is of some help to hear weak transmissions! The running knob is only to use with your thumb and it is bothersome after a while. I compared it with the Shortwave reception of my Grundwig Satellit 750 SW/MW/LW/FM/Aircraft/SSB multiband radio which outperformed the Sangean ATS-909X radio on all aspects in fact I gave a 5 star review to this radio because it is awesome and Amazing in all bands reception compared to the Sangean ATX-909x radio with his own built in telescopic whip antenna! It think the radio is expensive! I love the performance of the Sangean ATS-909X radio with the Sangean AT 60 23 feet reel shortwave external antenna! Edit review! 2 days after using the radio, I found in my house a place where there is no noise, Interefererence for Short Wave listening and placed my Grundwig Satellit 750 side by side with my Sangean ATX-909x using only the whip built in telescopic whip antenna that came with both radios and when I found a audible station in the Grundwig Satellit 750, I entered the frequency of the station on the Sangean ATX-909x radio and it was heard well in both radios but better on the Grundwig Satellit 750 because it has a bass treble button which the Sangean ATX-909x radio does not have but the Sangean ATX-909x radio performed well with its own antenna!I heard 3 stations from Cuba, RADIO Rebelde, RADIO Marti and RADIO Republica, I heard radio China, RADIO Vietnam, RADIO Rumania, A Russian and Japan and Moscow RADIO stations, World Harvest radio, ATN radio, Vatican radio and 4 stations of different languages I dont understand with both radios with the built in telescopic whip antenna of the radios😀😀
I’m very pleased with my WFR-28 WiFi radio😊😀. Best internet radio player I’ve ever owned. Keep up the good work😎
I like PANGEAN product, that is just amazing ahhhh