Boom, there I was. Sitting in my room, alone to my thoughts. I take a slow drag from my Virginia tobacco Juul, exhale. Perfection.No.Not perfection.I couldn’t see the cloud from my exhale, as it was 4 in the morning and turning on my ceiling light would be far too bright and would wake up my beta fish. I get out of bed and get dressed as quickly as possible. I quickly search the internet for a place where I can find a lamp that would go with my classic American juul flavor vibe, and not be too bright for my beta fish. Low and behold, Railroad Ware.I got in and got out quickly and efficiently, the employees where extremely helpful and led me to the lamp I’ve only dreamt about. Mecalamp. Thank you railroad ware.
Great products. My dad climbed electric/telephone poles and used to collect the old insulators so I loved having pendant lights made from them.