Thank you Marco for helping me over the phone. It was a pleasure working with you. I cant wait for my package.
The quality and detail of the leather goods here are really unmatched. I was looking for a refined backpack for business travel, and found one at Moreau. I felt I had to review this store, as one rarely sees such quality and attention to detail anymore. The photos attached here tell the story better than words can. The leather is soft, yet looks as if it will last forever. The grain on the leather is reminds me of the leather used on Hermes bags (though the Moreau was not nearly as expensive as the Hermes bags). They really look exactly the same as far as quality goes. Just look at the leather grain, stitching, lining (a very cool dark marine blue color leather), and details in the photos. There is attention to detail everywhere, including stamping on the buckles, akin to a fine watch buckle. The stitching appears to be all hand done. Just an amazing bag. By the way, this brand is well-known in Paris and Tokyo. I have visited both stores there, and it really is an iconic Parisian brand. I find it amazing that we now have a store here in Houston! Finally, they also had a lot of interesting wallets and card cases for both men and women, so I will be returning to get some Christmas gifts. Finally, the salespeople at this store were incredibly well-informed on all aspects of the product, and were super nice. A great experience all -around here!
This place is amazing. The quality and designs of the bags are the top of the creme.
Went in to see this store on the advice of a friend. Really nice leather goods. Original patterns on many of the bags, very unique. Exclusive stuff, not cheap, but you get what you pay for. Really nice salespeople!I will be Back before the Holidays are over .
Love this Brand, is so unique and one of a kind.The level of quality of the leather and stitching is superb. Excellent shopping experience and very excited to have Moreau Paris in Houton.
This is some really top end leather. They can even customize your card case, wallet, or bag. Very cool place!!
I highly recommend the brand. Their quality and customer service is excellent!
Great product, refined and exclusive,
Loved the product,