I’m a professional dancer of 33 years and over time my shoulders have rolled forward as the muscles developed causing upper back pain. My dance coaches, chiropractor and massage therapist have all told me to stand up and roll my shoulders back. It has made me more aware and I’m trying. But it’s not enough just to be mindful. Last weekend at a dance competition there was a vendor there with the StandUpStr8 device. I tried it for about 20 seconds and knew this would work. One week later all I can say is, this thing works!! I can already feel the difference and I keep it with me everywhere I go. Thank you for this!!
I met the inventor of the product at my gym - he works in corrective exercise and I had talked to him before, in passing, about some of the recurring issues I had. He recommended trying out the product - and Im so glad I did. Its a simple device, but the exercises are much harder than you would think and Ive really noticed a difference. Its made me much more aware of my posture and the corrections I need to make to improve it.Even when Im driving or sitting at work, Ive noticed that I automatically make adjustments and correct my posture.If you commit to the five minutes a day, youll see a real difference.
I have used Stand Up Str8 to help me counter the effects of aging and having a desk job for 40 years. Here is the long and short of it. It takes no time to use. It makes me feel better, stronger and taller. I like how I walk and feel after I am done. Simple genius!
If you are looking for a device to do the work for you, stand up straight is not your pick but if you’re looking to train to correct rounded shoulders, then this is the device for you. Stand up Str8 will help you strengthen the mid and lower traps as well as rhomboids. Affordable, well constructed, easy to use and most important, effective. Having worked in the fitness industry for over 30 years As a personal trainer I have never come across a device like Stand up Str8. I have been using with my clients with positive results. Customer service is impeccable as well.
This product has helped in many was. Being an business owner can have its share of stress. When this happens neck pain is common. Working out with Stand up Str8 not only improved my fitness and posture, it relieves all stress induced aches. Only thing I have found to do this
I spend a lot of time sitting at a desk in front of my laptop. This can cause many problems. Stand Up Str8 has been one thing Ive used over the years to stay strong and feel good.
Stand Up Str8 really works. I work out regularly but the long term effects of gravity and sitting at a desk for decades means my shoulders role forward. Using Stand Up Str8 really helps with posture and makes me feel better.
Effective Correction, Not a BraceIt’s a quick and easy fix for bad posture and the back problems that come from bad posture. I use the Stand Up Str8 as part of my daily routine for only a couple of minutes and I know it works. There are lots of back braces out there but braces don’t actually fix the problem. Using the Stand Up Str8 will build the necessary muscles to correct posture issues; a brace leaves the underlying problem of weak muscles unaddressed.
The inventor of this device first introduced me to it because Law school has absolutely wrecked my posture. After about 2 weeks of regularly using the Stand up Str8, I noticed a HUGE difference in my posture. It helped me retrain my muscles to stand up straight and has continued to work over time. Ive been using it for a little more than a year. Any time I feel my posture start to slip back into my bad habits, I use the Stand up Str8. It is incredible! I truly did not believe this would ever work once I saw it but I am BLOWN AWAY by how much it actually does work. It has even helped my partner who has bad posture as a result of back problems from of years of hard labor. He cannot speak highly enough of it either. It is so simple, an exercise you can do while watching tv, studying, or cooking. I highly recommend this device, in fact I cannot recommend it enough!!
Ive used Stand Up Straight for 2 years. It has strengthened my back and shoulders to the point that I really do stand up straight...without even thinking about it. I look younger and feel more confident. Shirley Burgher 10/20/17
My fiancé used this twice and we immediately noticed a difference in his posture. His dad even asked if he grew...my fiancé stopped growing a long time ago. Lol.I started using it and after the first use I knew I was working muscles I’ve hardly worked before. Definitely recommend!
I have been using the Stand Up Str8 posture corrector for many years. Before using the Stand Up Str8, I had tried just about everything to help with my posture. I have always struggled with my posture and lacked confidence in many situations because of it. For years I had regularly visited a Chiropractor. Ive tried shoulder braces and back braces but found both to only provide temporary results. The Stand Up Str8 is different in that it strengthens the muscles in the middle and upper back. I use the Stand Up Str8 a few times a week and often recommend it to family and friends. It is easy to use and my posture is better than it has ever been. Recently I was used as an example during a meeting for my good posture. They mentioned that because I was sitting up straight, I looked more alert and interested. As a result of improving my posture, I have also boosted my confidence!
Stand Up St8 helped me become wingless!I couldn’t put my suitcase in the overhead because my shoulders seemed “stuck” at about 120o (this also made blow drying my hair in the back very difficult!) AND it hurt. I saw an ORTHO doc who diagnosed “Hunched Over Computer Syndrome.” Due to constant bending over my computer, the anterior chest muscles (pecs) had contracted causing my shoulders to “round” forward. This caused a corresponding stretching of the back muscles holding the inside edge of my shoulder blade. This stretching caused them to protrude (this is called “winged scapula”). With 6 weeks of physical therapy, (and daily exercises!), I was able to regain function so I could reach fully vertically with my shoulder AND blow dry my hair in the back. BUT, I still had the “winged scapula” (and rounded shoulders) and I began to notice (and ENVY) the shoulder blades of women who wore shirts or dresses with low cut backs who did NOT HAVE winged scapula and rounded shoulders.That’s when my trainer, Ken, suggested using the StandUpStr8 device to strengthen those muscles pulling the scapulae and the shoulder girdle back to their correct positions. I’ve been using it 3 times a week for about 2-1/2 years and am ALMOST WINGLESS and less rounded. My shoulders remain fully flexible, are MUCH stronger and DON’T HURT.StandUpSt8 makes it easy to precisely target those muscles controlling the scapula. It consists of two “sleeves” connected by stretchable rubber tubes. This means the stretching/contracting exercises ONLY the lower and middle trapezius and IMPORTANTLY gets the neck part of the trapezius OUT OF THE CONTRACTION (my neck muscles SO OFTEN volunteer to participate in my stretching and lifting exercises and then they are sore!). Aside from putting your arms in the sleeves, the only other maneuver that is needed is to make sure your shoulders are pulled down and back. This is what “isolates” the middle and lower parts of the trapezius.So why couldn’t you get the same benefits from a theraband? Because most of us who use the theraband will scrunch our shoulders UP and this engages the neck trapezius (ache!). Using the theraband also requires normal function of the deltoids, which are often also negatively affected by the “hunched over computer syndrome.”Bottom line—the StandUpStr8 strengthened my shoulders, helped me put my shoulder blades back where they belong, and improved the “rounding”. Even if you are already “wingless” and not “round”, regular use of StandUpStr8 can counteract and PREVENT the “hunched over computer syndrome.”
Great for correcting posture and easy to use. Helps with back hunch, pain and mobility.
If you have back soreness from sitting at a desk all day this is fo you!