I called here to find out who did the outside of their building. I think whoever did it did a great job and I would like to have some work done myself. A kid (young man) answered the phone so I ask him. He says he doesnt know but hell put me on park and go ask. First time I ever heard put me on park instead of on hold. He comes back and says no one knows. So I try to give him my number so someone can return my call. He interrupts me and says were really busy right now and hangs up on me. Its 11am on a Thursday is it really that busy that you cant take a number down. Very unprofessional and saddening.
I moved to the Wausau area recently, Shepherd and Schaller has quickly become our go-to outdoor gear stop for the whole family.
Amazing service. Nate, Wyatt, and Jason put together 3 ski packages for my kids and me. They stayed after hours to complete our ski packages until 5:40. Thanks guys! Now we can ski in the UP tomorrow on our own skis. I hope the owner gives these guys some overtime or at least comp time. Love your store! Good skiing all! Steve
Went here to buy some skis, Wyatt was very helpful in giving me all my options while not pressuring me into buying the more expensive equipment. Ended up buying a new set of skis and boots and they worked great. Happy with my purchase and the service. Only negative was that they didnt accept American express or Discover cards.
Wow, I waited six stops before I caught them open; they close at 5pm. It was worth the effort. This place, especially Russ was great. As a former racer and someone getting back into skiing this place made me feel as calm as the chairlift as and as confident as a full send.
Went in and asked for help finding something. Was afterwards followed and profiled and the man who worked there and was following me said “tell (so and so) I’m keeping an…you know what I mean” not even trying to hide it. Walked out
Great service! They had exactly what I was looking for and the staff was very friendly and knowledgeable about their products. I highly recommend this store.
Best ski shop around. Brian can fix just about anything! The rest of the gang also really knows their stuff. Hard to beat the deals at the dungeon sale!!!
Received excellent instore assitance purchasing new skis and gear. Due to time constraints we had to get bindings mounted out of state and Wyatt graciously contacted the other ski shop to assist with the mountings. Top shelf service!
Very helpful and knowledgeable. Got me the right ski items and assessed me for a personalized fit. Thanks you all! Kids got ski gear too and it’s all perfect.
I wasn’t planning on writing a review after the first time, but this is the second time we’ve had to deal with this worker. We initially purchased 4 snowboards, boots, and ski equipment. An older lady with short hair came up to us and was initially SO rude until she found out we were buying equipment. Yesterday, We came in to swap one pair of boots out as they were too big. Unfortunately, the same lady who was working the cashier was older came up to us and proceeded to be very condescending and rude again. She was not knowledgeable and told us two pair of boots were “basically the same.” I asked to talk to someone more knowledgeable and an older man came and was very nice and told us that the two boots we were looking at were “worlds” different. Only reason I’m giving 2 stars is because of him. Whoever the first older lady is really needs to do a better job talking with customers. We ended up returning the boots and going to Central Board Shop.
I am disappointed with Shepherd & Schaller. I had forgotten that I purchased Outdoor Gear Inc gloves from them a couple years ago. Recently I found the gloves and a seam has split. You can tell theyve never been worn. The Outdoor Gear Inc website boasts of their lifetime guarantee, according to them all you have to do is return them to the place of purchase. I tried that today and was told by S&S they couldnt find my name in their system. I showed them the gloves have never been used and the inside tag showing Outdoor Gear Inc exactly matches gloves theyre currently selling. Whomever waited on me was very polite, but basically I was told since I didnt have a receipt (who keeps receipts for lifetime guarantee products after a couple years? and they couldnt find my name in their system, the best they could do was a 40% discount on a new purchase. I called an complained to store manager Brian, seemed he could not have cared less.
Act like they know what they are talking about, but it is obvious they abuse the fact that they don’t have any competition. Would go out of business in a heartbeat if there were more stores around. I can fit boots better with a blindfold on.
Friendly service. Exceptional advice. Quick and precise fittings. Highly recommend.Shepherd & Schaller is definitely a shop that extends beyond the usual ski shop vibe, and the Wausau Area is lucky to have each and every employee there. The family friendly atmosphere allows for comfort and cleanliness when shopping for your equipment, gear and clothing options! Ive been to Sheps for ski boots, winter gear, biking clothing, etc. Each time, Ive been greeted with a warm welcome and have felt that their employees are well versed. Overall, even if I didnt live in Wausau area, Id still come back and recommend buying gear from Sheps! That right there shows great service backed by great recommendations.
Wyatt was very unhelpful. Fit me with size 30.5 Salomon boots which turned out to be an entire size too big, according to a different store. Employees have big egos and are all-around unfriendly.
My boyfriend, his brother, and myself came into this shop mid saturday afternoon. We noticed they were pretty busy and we were perfectly fine with waiting for the services we needed. We told a guy whose name was Jason we needed help and he came over when he could. Early that day we were snowboarding and a strap from my snowboard bindings broke off and I decided I wanted to buy new bindings instead of fixing the old ones. When looking at the bindings they had on the wall jason was incredibly condescending and rude.. We told him our price range and asked if they could put a new pair on at the shop. Jason asked very passively aggressive if my boyfriend knew how to use a screwdriver....mind you we are from Milwaukee and this was our first time in Wausau and at granite peak. He proceeded to take my board and boots and go in the back and grab a pair of bindings that we weren’t shown prior to him replacing them. We are very lenient people but it would’ve been nice to see them first and approve. The entire experience was kind of upsetting and the rudeness of him was not needed. When we checked out the cashier was extremely kind along with the other worker next to her. If it weren’t for pure desperation we would’ve went to Central board shop a half block away.
Very nice coster service. But nothing in my size
Had a great experience shopping yesterday getting our family ready for ski season!! So knowledgeable and friendly without being pushy at all!!
Robb does a great job and gives honest advise on his products! Cant wait for my son to open his Christmas gifts!
Great service provided by the best in the business!
Everyone I interacted with were friendly and asked how they could help me. Brian helped fit my new skills boots perfectly.
Staff was very knowledgeable and helpful in helping me narrow down and select ski equipment. They definitely seemed more concerned that I chose the correct equipment rather than pushing for a quick sale.They also made sure I was aware of upcoming sales so that I had the opportunity to wait for lower prices if cost was more important than having the gear right away.
Steve was such a help! We came in for cross country skis and gear and couldnt be more pleased.
Great ski rentals!
Owner is extremely nice and helpful! Beautiful clothing
I actually wasnt able to make a purchase the day I was here but the staff, selection, and quality was superb. Even leaving empty handed I didnt feel like my day was wasted since I now knew exactly what I was hunting for with regards to ski boots. Ive sent quite a few family members here to re-gear for the season and will be coming back myself when its my turn to upgrade.
My favorite store😍
Great xc ski packages for youngsters. Thank you Shepherd and Schaller for making it so easy and inexpensive to get our kids outfitted. Ask about their dungeon!We called on the way up and they had a tech on standby ready to mount skis and get us back on the road.
A great local outdoor sporting goods store. Wausau is somewhat of a ski town with a great ski area near town. Shepherd & Schaller has long served as the main ski shop for this ski town. I have often bought used ski equipment at their annual dungeon (consignment) sale in the fall. They also have new downhill, cross country, and alpine touring equipment. They support many other outdoor sports as well. They have qualified ski boot fitters on staff. Their new equipment is good with prices appropriate for a local sporting goods store.
I had excellent customer service today. Bought a pair of K2 sights and love them! Spent a little more on some technica boots and have to say that’s what made my experience on the slopes that much better! Thanks to the crew at shepherd & schaller
Im an out of towner that came to this shop not knowing what it is. I absolutely loved it and love that it is a locally owned shop for over 60 years. I came in the get some base plates for my snowboarding bindings and pat assisted me. Friendliest fellow I ran into all day! Not only did he sell me the base plates, but he was even kind enough to put the bindings on my board for me! Excellent service with a lot of knowledge. Prices are extremely reasonable as well! Ill definitely come back when Im in town again!
They always seem to have what I need at a fair price. They also do a nice job of tuning my skis. The staff is always very helpful.
Great customer service. The technician who does skis and bike repairs was super fast. A great place to purchase outdoor equipment.
I love this store! Very knowledgeable staff! Bob was great. He helped fit my boots and got me exactly what I needed. You wont be disappointed!
Came here just browsing initially. Staff were really friendly. Told them I wasnt buying bit just looking at new bikes to buy towards the fall and they still let me do some test rides. This place will have more of my business. This place blows away Builers by a landslide.
Very nice store! Nice selection and nice folks working there! Helpful with sales and with what to do in the area.
The service was awesome. We bought new ski boots and they adjusted the bindings while we waited.
Good skiing equipment. Probably the only place to buy cross country.
Used this place to rent skis and they were great. Cheaper than renting at the mountain, the equipment was newer and well maintained, and the staff was extremely friendly and helpful. Would definitely recommend.
This store goes beyond the usual brick and mortar. Its setting invites you into a feeling of being in the outdoors. Add to that great personal service and the time spent becomes an experience.
Always a great experience!!
Great selection of quality ski and outdoor clothing and equipment at decent prices. Staff lets you browse without becoming overbearing.
The staff are a rare breed. They are actually polite, helpful, and knowledgeable about the products and services available in the store.Skip Amazon and go shopping.
Great store - so helpful with our ski rentals for the weekend.
Very professional. Family were beginner skiers and we purchased equipment here. They did not oversell us. Been extremely happy with their service. Would buy from again.
Great selection of a ton of different sports. Very knowledgeable staff. Huge winter apparel sales in summer
If youre coming into Rib Mountain to ski on Granite Peak, skip Dicks Sporting Goods and drive the extra few minutes into downtown Wausau to Shepherd and Schaller. The employee knowledge is stellar, the customer service is great and they have a much better variety of ski equipment and gear than the mega store.
If you want to get your skates messed up from a sharpening, get them sharpened here
Top of the line service, could not have asked for better!!! Awesome staff!
Great people who sell excellent products and have the customers interests in mind!
Decent selection of quality outdoor/winter apparel.
Staff was incredibly helpful. Tall guy named Alex knew what he was talking about.
They wouldn’t replace the bindings on my son’s skis. Not helpful and very condescending. Then offered to sell me a used pair of skis. What a racket.
Great staff, great selection of clothing and accessories for a small local store
Hometown favorite outfitter. Friendly customer service and great selection of goods for any season or sport.
Rental staff was great to deal with
Great selection and helpful staff. A little high proceed for the selection
Great local place for outdoor clothing
Super store and great staff
I purchased my first set of new skis in 12 years (Volkl RTM75IS) and my first set of new boots (Tecnica MACH1 100MV) in 15 years from here this past week. With me not keeping up with ski/boot technology over the last 12 or so years Brian Trybula and Pat Sutherland took the time to explain the different options and worked with me to find the right combo for my skiing needs. Once we found the right ski/boot combo we moved onto helmets, gloves, and polls. They were extremely knowledgeable about all of the items that we talked about. I would definitely return to shop here as the prices and expertise offered by the staff are unmatched by any other store that Ive visited. Thank you for providing a great shopping experience!
Great staff who have allot of knowledge about their products.
Great gear, great deals.
I bought a scott frpm them
Employees are top-notch.
It isnt a place I frequent often. Not because I dont want to, instead because I dont have the time or money to invest in the outdoor sports they have. I like it there though. Somethings might be a little pricey.
Helpful friendly staff.
Helpful friendly staff!
My favorite ski shop
Great customer service
Cool place!
Never opened when you think they are
Good quality
Great selection!!!