He did what was asked, (basically a Road-ready, non-state inspection), which cost $80. I also asked for a CV axel to be replaced, but we determined that it wasnt the right one. He was going to charge me another $70 for the hour of labor, but I negotiated to $40.I go to pay the bill and hes flubbing around with the numbers as if he doesnt know how his own app works. He could have approved $1200 or 12k DOLLARS if I didnt take the phone back and insert the $120 myself. A SH*##Y dealer all around. AVOID!The hispanic shop on the opposite end is a WAY BETTER choice.
Good work good prices 🙂
Great service! Very knowledgeable ... I Take all my cars here to get serviced. Always quick turn around time A+
I am extremely happy to have tried Jaspa Auto Repair services. They repaired the transmission of my BMW last month. I just thought I would need to buy a new one but they were there repair it for me and save me a lot of money! I would definitely use them again if some other part of my car breaks down!
Jaspa is great at transmission repars. They know everything about all kinds of transmissions. They are also my choice as it comes to all kinds of auto repairs. I recommend this auto repair shop!!!
Service was great prices was also very adorable