If you were thinking about buying from this company, take a look at their return policy first. It asks that the item be sent back in the original packaging, ready for resale. Unfortunately, I opened the box before reading the policy and ripped one of the edges off. I sent it back and they told me the box is damaged and that it cant be resold. When I inquired about this ridiculous request, they told me most companies have a return policy like this. You know who doesnt? Lowes or Home Depot. Because it flat out makes no sense.Long story short, I spent $160 on a part that I have no use for and cant return because the box it came in (cardboard) is damaged. Ill never buy from this company again.
Read their delivery policy very, very carefully. You must be phycianlly present to sign for delivery for your order. On surface sounds good, but in reality, you MUST BE HOME to receive. UPS and FedEx cannot accept a waiver/authorization to deliver without you being present. Hugely restrictive and inconvenient if you work.