This is a tricky place where you should never get your prepaid sim. The guys there could be alright for the local people but to the people from outside they cheat and we are one of them cheated. I bought a $ 60 tmobile prepaid sim card though $ 50 prepaid has unlimited calls, texts and data. Plus they charged me extra $ 20 as joining fee. When I was asked to pay, I knew the guy is overcharging me but couldnt cancel it. As the guy has already given me a number and didnt want to be involved in any uncomfortable situation.I had been very upset for a few days since I bought a Timorville prepaid SIM card. And still unpleasant. At $ 50, everything (data, call & text) is unlimited, but I got $ 60 and told me to pay an additional $ 20 for the opening.I wanted to cancel because I thought I was cheating at the moment, but I didnt want to offend because I had already received a number.I think I told you I was from outside, so I thought I wouldnt know about the US situation. This is my seventh visit, and I wanted to make money to Koreans as much as possible.Every time I went, I bought a SIM card from AT & T or T-mobile, but nowhere was the opening fee. And is it really blindfolded to get $ 60 to advertise on the street Timor with $ 50 unlimited calls, texts & data?I was told to watch out for Koreans in foreign countries, but I really wanted to deny it. I thought it was a bad idea, but I dont know whether the clerk was the companys policy or personally imposed, but Im still upset with a few dollars.Im bothered that others will be in the same situation, but I post.