101 Newport, started on Tuesday 3/28/17 in the Morning I came in and said Good Morning to Susan she Ignored me so I continued to clock in and then prep the coffee and get everything organized I went to check the EBY & Lipari Order she says In a Mean, Nasty Antagonizing tone THE ORDER IS ALREADY DONE so I said to her well Im going to check it anyway to make sure so I continued to check the order because every time the order is done she has me take a second look to verify all of this is going on between 6 and 830 then the vendor comes in and I apologize to him that I was a bit behind on the order then Susan starts yelling over me to the Vendor that the order was already done me and him stopped to look at her like that was not necessary cause I was already explaining that to him which she was Antagonizing me also in that situation the whole shift she was being Mean, Nasty & Antagonizing. This is how she is to all her employees that she has a problem with not just Antagonizing, Rude, belittling, talk to you like your her child and not her employee which ie: all the revolving doors people putting there 2 week in or just not showing up Tanya, Vanicia, Erica, Melina, Tamera 9 others she even talk to her own assistant manager bad when he makes a simple mistake that she could have made she would ask him Did he wake up on the dumb side of the bed this morning?, shes rude even to some of the customers even the ones who buts lottery Ive actually had numerous customers come tell me personally how rude she is and I just advise them to call corporate. She is a horrible Manager Ive seen a lot of things happen here since grand opening I know all the secrets she antagonize the ones she doesnt like she always had smart remarks, Rude gestures, never compliments you on anything you do makes you feel like your hard work wasnt good enough, talked down on you treated customers that was new rudely, when customers played lottery rushed them and made them feel uncomfortable when she had to do lottery she told a lady that she doesnt like doing lottery the Assistant treats you better then she does he tells you good job he recognize how much of a good job your doing she use foul language at her workers. If you ever came there I was the Food Host Ive got noth in nothing but good Customer Service compliments they terminated me and did not have a reason behind to why they terminated me they couldnt even give me a reason as to why I asked the manager what was the reason all she said was HR there was no write up no termination reason the Wrongfully terminated me.The secrets at that store and the way you get treated there is supposed to be a policy where management can not be involved associates well that was broken the assistant was sleep with the team lead and now he hes messing around with a cashier and the whole time store manager new about it and didnt correct it now we have a new team lead because the first one she was doing her job just like they did the rest you can bend over backwards for susan but once she dislikes you your wrote up for everything, and she will antagonize you and belittle you.As far as the new team lead he is a perverted he say inappropriate things he does with tongue is disturbing the District Manager is racist its sad that she doesnt even know the people who works under her nor does she know how long you been working with the company she looked at the one new girl in disgust because she was plus size black woman wearing a white shirt that was a bit small... I didnt deserve the way I was treated the manager at 101 is rude, mean, Nasty attitude, Sarcastic, and degrading she treats you like her child and talk to you like your are dumb I worked there 2 yrs and had to deal with her for 2 yrs I watched her be mean and nasty to the last employees that was there which is why some quit, 2 weeks notice, didnt show up or quit a week into there training its like a revolving doors at the store its not the workers its the management, last year of 2016 she got up in my face pointing her finger and swearing at me